21st Century engagement and collaboration between families and schools, especially in early childhood. National Speaker/Author and award winning business results expert who is living her purpose and her passion. I speak at college, and Universities, Churches, Events , Social Activities.
Areas of Expertise: Urban education; Parent Involvement; NCLB educational access, Common Core Standards, Local Control Funding Formula and equity; parents and students rights; education reform; Parent Education. Mary Johnson, is an Adviser to Lynwood Unified School District Parent councils, specializes in the influence cultural competence: awareness of one’s own cultural worldview. Candidate for the South Gate City Council 2017.
A parent practitioners who have develop the seven advocacy standards for Urban and Rural parents that will be able to successfully help parents to navigated their children through low performing urban and rural schools and into higher education. I has received extensive training in the areas of Parent & Community Involvement – including being certified by the UCLA Parent Project Center X in School, Family, and Community Partnerships.
My experience includes; working in the classroom with teachers, serving on councils/committees, coordinating the activities of parent liaisons, conducting workshops, mentoring students, training staff, and leading instructional audits. Currently my services includes – trainings, individual coaching, assessments, resource and team building, serves as Chairperson of the Parent-U-Turn conducts workshops, and keynote speaker at conferences To contact Mary email her atmjadvocate2003@yahoo.com.
It is important that parents are equipped to effectively advocate for their students and schools because urban parents are often blamed for low performance and achievement when there are many other factors that lead to lower performance in urban schools. Rather than placing blame on others, I empower parents to work alongside educators and policymakers to bring equality to schools. Using my model of parent engagement that will enable urban and rural parents to participate powerfully in school improvement. As education adapts to the needs of the 21st century, parents must have an increased role in their children’s education. The need for authentic parent involvement in urban schools is increasing and will continue to increase. My model of parent involvement promises to transform parent participation, increase student achievement, and decreases dropout rates.