March Featured Members
Lou Di Giacomo, Entrepreneur, Music & ESL Teacher
Lou is an serial entrepreneur he currently owns a Music related company and consults with business on development and schools in the development of music programs. An ESL teacher and coach for the past thirty years he brings a wealth of international experience and relationships’ to the table. (Burbank) MORE
Coach CeJai is the mother of two D1 student athletes. Since 2009 Coach CeJai has placed over 150 urban student athletes into colleges. She has generated over 45 Million dollars to send kids to college. One of the few female football coaches in the nation she has established a positive relationship with over 300 NCAA programs. She is the mother of three including 2017 Rhodes Scholar winner Caylin Moore.(Carson, CA) MORE
I specialize in Mass Tort Litigation related to injuries caused by corporations for their profit. I practice in every state that a client suffers an injury caused by a company. I represent former NFL players that have suffered neuro-cognitive impairment as a result of repetitive brain trauma.
(Jackson, MS) MORE